A highlight of this trip has been the chance to visit our sponsor child, Supraporn and her family - in their village. The trip takes about 4-5 hours from Chiang Mai, so we split it between 2 days. We set off after lunch with a translator and driver. The first few hours were fine - the roads were surprisingly well marked and kept up. After making some turnoffs, the road turned to dirt, with a 70 degree cliff on one side and a hill on the other side, and skinny trees everywhere. The road snaked around mountain ranges, with sets of 8-9 switchbacks to traverse the landscape. We endured this 2 hour roller coaster ride and arrived at our nightly accommodations - Wat Chan Royal Project. It had a series of bungalows for 2 people. The site was well kept up, with a wooden catwalk. They served dinner, which was simple but pleasant.
The next day we were awaken by Gods natural alarm clocks - roasters - at 5am. Breakfast was not until 7:30, so we just tossed and turned.
Our first stop was the main center in the district run by Compassion. There were no children there as they only come 3 times a week, after school. We then travelled into the village, by a windy, dirt road. We stopped at a small 2 room shack, built on stilts, with 3 pigs outside. We went up and met our sponsor child, Supraporn, her parents, sister, and grandparents. We have her our gifts and she gave us some in return - a hand-sewn shirt for each of us, and cucumbers. She was shy, but excited to meet us. We talked and laughed and drew pictures together. We learned that her parents are the exact same age as Anna and I, and they have a 12 year old ... I'll let you do the math,suffice to say, they started young.
While in the village, we also visited the church, school, and Compassion satellite centre. We tried local bananas, which tasted very good and nothing like the kind we have at home.
We shared lunch at Supraporns home, and then said our goodbyes. It was only 2 short hours, but it made a difference in the villages life and ours. They said that are were the first sponsors to visit the village.
The life they live is peaceful, hospitable, and kind. We have much to learn from there way of life.
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